DigitalEdgeX - Delivering Value by Driving Revenue

Let’s build an Email marketing campaign, positioned to win.

Not all Email marketing initiatives are created equal. Gain trust and relevance by engaging your clients with campaigns, scaled to precision and designed for perfection.

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Take a step towards building your dream Email Marketing campaign

DigitalEdgeX offers a robust fleet of services for strategising, building and delivering powerful Email marketing campaigns, that reaches your high-value prospects. From engineering vibrant, customised, Email marketing initiatives to analysing your crucial Email traffic on the fly, our solution portfolio is geared exclusively to address the critical requirements of the modern marketers and Email campaigners.

Services Offered

  • Campaign Management

    Our Email marketing solution stack includes a set of comprehensive tools, facilitating end-to-end campaign management. Be in the driver's seat with access to a wide variety of key performance indicators and functionalities for monitoring and scaling various aspects of your Email outreach initiatives.

  • Campaign Measurement

    The proof of the pie is in the eating! Conduct 360 degrees impact assessments, backed by tactical feedback streams, based on clearly defined performance benchmarks and administer corrective interventions, wherever and whenever required.

  • Cohort Analysis

    DigitalEdgeX’s Email marketing platform offers comprehensive features for segmenting your clientele into distinct cohorts and studying the outcome of various marketing actions. Identify trends and uncover hidden business opportunities through analytical insight into customer behaviour patterns.

  • A/B Testing

    Finetune campaign results and outcomes through A/B testing your content and design variants. Leverage a robust feedback infrastructure for enlightened decisions and building impactful campaigns.

  • List Segmentation

    With DigitalEdgeX Email marketing solutions, you can leverage your customer database for more! Using list segmentation, split your clientele, based on a wide range of attributes for more accurate campaign targetings, maximising audience engagement.

  • Optimisation of Current Email Infra

    We can upgrade your current Email infrastructures to best industry standards for hassle-free handling of bulk Email traffics, ideal for large scale campaigning. Our mailing solutions are designed to ensure a high inbox delivery rate and follow the latest communication security protocols.

  • Best Practices to be followed for Email design and Content

    DigitalEdgeX’s creative teams are positioned to provide quality assistance for your Email designing and content development tasks. We adhere to international standards and industry best practices to generate compelling content that best encapsulates your brand message while appealing to your audience’s sense of aesthetics, simultaneously.

  • ESP Management

    Are you spending valuable resources for the administration of your Email Service Providers (ESP)? We can help you to leverage the best features of your favourite ESP, without tying up your top talents in labour-intensive roles, while ensuring that campaign communications don’t end up in your target audience’s spam folders.

  • IP Warming/Reputation

    Reputation and credibility are more valuable than money. Build and sustain yours with a progressive IP warming strategy, backed by an expertly designed schedule for scaling up communication volumes.

  • List Growth

    Alongside a high degree of personalisation, automated messaging, use of dynamic content and multiplatform optimisation, it is imperative to maintain a list of engaged listeners for maximising return on your campaign investments. From social media tweaks, website modifications to pop-up surveys, our strategy arsenal is geared to populate your database with relevant contacts to enable extensive targeted campaigning operations.

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